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Smoke Relief Compatible Cartomizer (Flavour tobacco low)

Smoke Relief Compatible Cartomizer (Flavour tobacco low)

Product Review (submitted on 28 May 2019):
I gave up smoking recently and although I have a vape pipe to help with the transition I wanted a back up/ spare option for when my main vape was charging so I didn't have to risk temptation or have an excuse to buy cigarettes.

I also wanted an option to take out with me without the risk or worry of the vape leaking oil everywhere in my pocket - I have tried at least 5 different models so far and they always seem to leak at some point, so I like to keep the vape at home and have something less messy like this to take out with me.

This is ideal as you just screw the cartridge onto the end and can puff away with out any liquid/oil changes or leaking so is ideal for taking out. I like the way it feels like holding a real cigarette again too - sometime just holding it is enough to stop my cravings without even needing to toke on it, which is great, and its much more compact and lightweight to take out with you. The flavour this ships with is jut plain and I really like it as it reminds me of smoking more than the flavoured oils do. It's easy to charge and the replacement tips seems very good value too.